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Voice Recognition

Writing Assignments

Writing Assignments


Baseline Writing


Students will complete a baseline writing choosing a topic from their personal list.  Students will choose to write either a narrative, informational essay, or opinion essay about their topic.  They will have an entire class to work on the assignment.  It will be graded and recorded, but not used as a PowerSchool grade.

Writing Baseline 

Student Autobiography


Students will create an informational writing about their own life.  Students will organize the writing based on how they feel they want to get their ideas across.  Students can choose to write in a story format, use paragraphs, use headings, or other techniques they see within various mentor texts.  


TDA Assignment: How Amphibians Grow and Change


Students spent one class period working on completing a TDA assignment.  This assignment doesn't have a link to bring up.  However, it is an assignment students may publish for a grade at the end of the first marking period.




A Basic Fictional Story


Students will create a basic story that includes story transitions, characters, setting, (events), problem, and solution.  In this assignment, students are working on building Word Choice/Voice using figurative language, adverbs, and adjectives. 

Basic Story Assignment

Opinion Essay: Careers:


Students will create an opinion essay about a career of their choice.  They will discuss in the essay why they think the career they chose is the best to go into.  Students will provide a lead or position statement, three reasons, three explanations, and a conclusion.  


Then the class will create a "Career Magazine" for their class.  Groups of students will create either the cover, table of contents, interesting fact pages, etc.  Student opinion essays and pictures will then be included within the magazine.  The assignment guidelines and rubric is below.


Intro Opinion Assignment 

Six Traits Rubric for Opinion Writing 

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