Here are some answers to a few of the frequently asked questions at the guidance office.
Can I meet with a counselor? Yes! Come down to the guidance office and fill out a slip that will get put in to see your counselor the next day or soon after. If it is an emergency, stop in and let the secretary know and your counselor will be with you as soon as they can. If you are a parent, you can call in or stop by the main office to make an appointment.
Can I meet regularly with a counselor? Yes! We have a school counselor on site that can meet with you weekly to catch up on things and be there as someone to talk to. Come in and speak to your regular school counselor for more information.
What is dual enrollment? Dual enrollment is an opportunity to earn college credit by taking courses in high school. This is done through Keystone College or Corning Community College depending on the course taken which does bring about a cost per credit depending on which college the credit is through. There are currently 16 different classes offered at the High school. Students typically take them, if at all, during their junior and senior years.
What is the school-to-work program? The school-work-program is a program that allows students to earn credits in high school while working a part time job. This can be from 1-2 credits depending on the amount of time worked. If you would like to participate in this program, come down to the guidance office to pick up a paper that can be filled out by your parents, supervisor, and manager. A representative will stop by at some point to see what you are doing.
Can I have my transcript sent out? Yes! If you are in need of a transcript to be sent to a college, come to the guidance office and pick up some forms. One form you will need to fill out that allows your information to be sent out. You’ll put down all of the colleges or anything else (such as an occupation or military) that may need to see your transcript. The other paper will have to be filled out as many times as you have applied for colleges. If you would like an unofficial copy of your transcript for your records (note that many locations wanting transcripts will not accept unofficial copies) then contact the guidance office and ask for a copy of your own.
What’s the difference between the SAT and the ACT? Both tests are administered to students who are seeking to attend college (especially 4 year colleges). The colleges then view their academic performance and determine their eligibility for attending the college as well as whether or not they should take certain courses. The SAT has content covering reading, math, and writing. The ACT covers reading, math, science, and English. Both have optional essay sections. A student seeking to attend college should check see if any test is required for applying for the colleges of their choice (or the major of their choice) and then take according to the style that they prefer (as they are constructed differently). If you are still unsure which one you would like to take, you can check online or in the guidance office for some examples of what the test questions may be like.